An archaeological review of Polynesian adze quarries and sources



Adze quarries and sources are some of the most visible, unique well-preserved Polynesian archaeological sites where stone technology, intensification production, other aspects economy, social organisation ritual practices anchored together on landscape. The production exchange adzes associated with complex interaction networks connecting islands archipelagos up to 4000 km distant making amongst widely transferred tools in Neolithic world. Our review adze demonstrates that site descriptions uneven hampering regional comparisons based size, output internal complexity. We therefore provide suggestions for future research overall goal between these more meaningful. believe it is an exciting time be studying one important classes archaeology not just know how were made, but what we can also learn about development variability societies across Polynesia. Les carrières d'herminettes et leurs comptent parmi les exemples de archéologiques polynésiens plus visibles, uniques mieux préservés. La technologie lithique, l'intensification la d'autres économiques, l'organisation sociale, ainsi que pratiques rituelles sont imprimés dans le paysage. échanges des herminettes associés à systèmes complexes d'interaction qui relient îles archipels parfois distants kilomètres, font outils échangés monde néolithique. Notre analyse polynésiennes démontre irrégulières entravent comparaisons régionales basées sur tailles, rendements productions complexités internes. Par conséquent, nous proposons pour études venir rendent comparaison ces significative. Nous pensons cette période est passionnante étudier ce type site, un importants en archéologie, non seulement savoir fabrication pierre, mais aussi comprendre développement variabilité sociétés Polynésie. Stone adzes1 are, perhaps, iconic items material culture. Deriving ultimately from a generalised Southeast Asian ground tool tradition, technology Polynesia reached pinnacle sophistication artistry by early second millennium AD (Figure 1). Adzes ubiquitous have long been focus inquiry (Duff, 1945, 1950, 1959; Skinner, 1943). assemblages display patterned variation space has proved useful inferring cultural historical processes (Emory, 1968; Emory & Sinoto, 1964; Green, 1971). Regional studies initially focussed typological questions 1950; Shipton al., 2016; 1943), while functional technological becoming common (Best, 1977; Clarkson 2014; Weisler, 1990). Using routine geochemical methods geological sciences led identifying quarries, thus demonstrating their new role as markers mobility use defining spatial temporal dimensions systems (Best 1992; Collerson 2007; Rolett 2015; 1997b). As continues, increasingly apparent world – Sāmoa, Hawai‘i, Pitcairn New Zealand used, distributed, discarded recycled within intersecting (Walter 2010; Weisler Walter, 2017). There regionally specific centred archipelagos, enough data theoretical perspectives emerging understand hallmarks traditions throughout history. Some general observations note include industries archipelagos. For example, there tens thousands private museum collections Hawai‘i debitage mounds visible satellite imagery. And colonisation period dozens recovered including Fa‘ahia-Vaito‘otia (Huahine, Society Islands) (Sinoto, 1983), Tangatatau rockshelter, (Mangaia, Cook (Kirch 1995), Hane dune Marquesas 1966) Atiahara (Tupua‘i, Austral (Hermann, 2017), Hawaiian Islands could different relatively few identified at earliest habitations. Throughout much East achieved greatest formal first centuries settlement, industry relied best available flaking qualities often obtained highly inaccessible sources. Furthermore, places such available, they located during phase island or archipelago settlement became vital commodity long-distance exchange. sometimes moved over kilometres open sea Clark 2007). Even distances precluded return voyaging tropics, settlers highest quality soon after circulated them coastal spanned country 2010, 2017; found large caches, which specimens had never clearly manufactured ceremonial purposes no intention use; Island collected European explorers 2) now curated museums Europe Americas. In any system network, difficult choose appropriate starting point analysis, Plog's (1977) description includes characteristics geographical scale, kinds commodities transferred, intensity, directionality symmetry name few. main body this paper discussion known (Table Quarries obvious life cycle our motivation conducting platform addressing comprehensive understanding many culture It builds earlier Cleghorn (1984), Leach (1990, 1993) (2011), benefit work, insights technologies. Andesite Line divides Pacific into two geologically distinct provinces 3). Most lies east line consists isolated comprised oceanic basalt (OIB); consequently, made fashioned primarily fine-grained basalt. West contain diverse continental geologies, volcanic, metamorphic sedimentary rocks, all used adzes. This article follows Sinton's (1997, p. 180) definition acquisition sites. A quarry defined primary locale exhibiting evidence situ collection reduction raw material. Raw extraction usually involved loose cobbles, boulders eroded talus material, prising weathered blocks outcrops dykes, striking flake blanks larger (Clarkson Cleghorn, 1982; Jennings 2018). less method was “mining” subsurface deposits usable rock. source, hand, archaeologically undiscovered location rock produce artefacts, worked secondary deposit unknown source (e.g., displaced cobbles valley floor). Unidentified recognised when geochemistry artefacts unable assigned quarry. extensively studied group. recorded major except Ni‘ihau 4). high-altitude areas, short-term occupation rockshelters religious features shrines. Others areas agricultural longer-term habitation features. Primary occur flows, water-rolled streambeds along shorelines. largest Mauna Kea Quarry Complex (Cleghorn, 1982, 1986; McCoy, 1976; 1977, 1990; McCoy 2012; 2009; Nees, Mills 2008). Located ∼3700 m elevation southern flank volcano, covers 1940 ha. Extraction tabular detaching 7). exploited remote, situated 30 nearest permanent (McCoy, 1977). harsh periglacial environment extreme altitude complex. workers faced hazards low temperatures hypoxia. Exploitation resource required logistical unlike massive various working floors piles 5) 1976, Other shelters, walled enclosures, shrines 6) art. 1100 1800 1990, pp. 92–93; 2012, 2009). Two local flows Pōhakuloa, approximately 4.5 south quarry, fifteenth late eighteenth manufacture (Bayman 2004; Bayman Moniz Nakamura, 2001). Production focused small-scale, expedient manufacture, likely conjunction several activities (including abrader bird-hunting processing). predominantly quadrangular trapezoidal cross-section 200). mainly distributed may far O‘ahu (Mills Lundblad, 2014). Pololū Quarry, attributed Keanakāko‘i pit crater Kīlauea volcano 1985: 238–239 (Cleghorn 1985, 238–239). Valley, area extensive prehistoric agriculture (Field Graves, 2008; Tuggle Tomonari-Tuggle, 1980). Lass (1994) suggested stoneworkers acquired stream, then detached flakes blanks. around (Lass, 1994), although rarely beyond windward Kohala 2022). potential covered lava flow 1800s 1985), volcanic bombs surrounding caldera 2011). Maui Haleakalā smaller Nu‘u inside west rim crater, range 2712–2804 m, covering 0.26 ha (Mintmier, 2007, vertical outcrop dense debitage. cave overhangs nearby probably temporary campsites (Mintmier 2012). setting areas. high-elevation posed similar constraints (although lesser degree) those 2014, 194–195). saw small-scale before 1300, intensive exploitation fourteenth century declined 1650. ∼475 m2 leeward 580 steeply sloping ridge. density, 250–300 upslope zone (Kahn extracted talus. Preforms trapezoidal, rectangular square forms, reverse triangular examples Dated containing indicate sixteenth centuries. series quarrying manufacturing 100 Pu‘u Moiwi, remnant cone centre Kaho‘olawe (McCoy 1993). “quarry proper,” exhibited (over 1.65 ha) summit eastern volcano. Quarried included blocks, sub-angular sub-rounded surface boulders. date 1250–1400 1993, 82). ceased mid-nineteenth 160). Flake blank preforms dominated, core used. Quadrangular cross-sectioned forms common, followed reversed-triangular types. Moiwi Tuamotu Archipelago (Collerson 2007) Lāna‘i Kapōhaku north-east edge fertile Pālāwai basin half (Weisler, (1921, 1990) accessed extends 2 ha, outcrops, cobbles. (1990) blanks, remaining types undetermined. Thirteen varying sizes western third Moloka‘i 2011; 2015) inland central shore (Sinton 2015). small boulders, Waiahewahewa jointed dislodged dyke. (2011) categorised five generally concentrations debitage, preforms. These habitation, house sites, gardening minor sparse scatters Several rockshelters, scatters, (East Waiakāne complex) numerous dwellings. produced “micro-adzes” use, Ka‘eo Mo‘omomi O‘ahu. exploited, early-fifteenth-century, consistent Late Expansion prehistory (AD 1400–1650; 1989, 127). dated century, nineteenth contact 1778) 2011, 309, table 2). Pāpa‘i coast floor subsequent petrological study ocean off O‘ahu, origin Moloka‘i. Sinton Sinoto (2015) noted scattered cores cm size. shell midden wall age nearby, further provided. Although little Moloka‘i, recent al. (2018) indicated opportunistic cobble occurred Hālawa Wailau Valleys. Nānākuli island's side Heleakalā least 50 above below (Cordy, 2002; 2013). levelled terraces manufacture. 2.4 thick sill percussion (Weisler 2013, fig. 6a–c). cross-section, U-series coral rockshelter indicates mid-thirteenth century. is, present, mapped chemical wider distribution unknown. Situated Waiāhole ∼1 both sides ridge trending north Kuolani. consisting Bishop Museum numbers 50-Oa-G2-7 -8, marked boulder mixed preforms, hammerstones (Dye 1985). slopes drainages. 80 scatter (site -9) ∼0.5 coarse-grained intersertal Of 52 untanged trapezoid cross-section. Kaua‘i Waimea Mokihana Nonou Ridge 1985; 2010). Detailed information lacking, references describing only locations (Bennett, 1931; Brigham, 1902). rare Central Polynesia, Tutuila, American Sāmoa exhibits length 7) (Clark, 1993; Herdrich, 1997). Sources Tutuila deposits, stream beds (Winterhoff 191). elevated slopes, ridges peaks, flakes, (Clark part tia ‘ave (star mounds),2 foundations, and, cases fortifications Witter, 1987, Tonga, Fiji, Islands, Tokelau, Pohnpei, Santa Cruz Phoenix (Addison, Best 1997, Di Piazza Pearthree, 2001; Bolhar, Charleux, Kirch, 1996; Winterhoff Tataga-matau fortification near village Leone (Te Rangi Hiroa, 1930: 330). occupies spurs extending it, terraces, ditches banks, lines mounds, 1989; 46 21 (Leach, three greater scree excavated flaked (Leach Radiocarbon dates took place eleventh AD, organised 14th 16th continued until arrival fortified Fagasā Valley northern 1, complex, spur ∼2.7 Dense debris grinding stones finished site. House foundation features, pits smaller, lower-density (0.0525 hundred metres 1. Numerous present Tutuila. some, Faga‘itua (1.2–1.6 ha), purported centres 1997), limited. Alega Malaeloa Valleys 1992, Winterhoff, Mountainous settings Lau‘agae ridge, Le‘aeno mountain Asiapa peak exhibit discrete defensive Basalt streambeds, representing residential Lefutu) (Winterhoff, supporting assertion (1997) supply Western (see 1998: 2008, 52.2; Ma, 1996). individual Manu‘a Group, Quintus (2022) addition imported Sāmoan archipelago. poorly represented literature. Geochemical analyses Upolu 2016, 3), there. Tonga ‘Ata, (180 area), 140 south-south-west Tongatapu 8) 2004). Anderson (1978) retrieved excavations 1978 beach occupied recently (between centuries), surface-collected (Anderson, 1978; Burley supported terrace, plainware ceramics 2000 BP 2004, 113). (2014) ‘Ata unlikely prehistory. there, Tongan ‘Eua Fine-grained Eiao 9), Tuamotus Gambier (Mangareva), Hermann McAlister 2013; 1998). unclear if sustained occupation, speculated periodically since twelfth (Charleux 2014) radiocarbon dating substantial accumulations (Lambrides Charleux (2016) report upper basalts cover island. Hanataaitoki workshops volumes reported (2001). Recent plateau typically 2016). Suggs (1961, 67) (0.675 (Nhuu 1) Ha‘a‘upa‘upa, embayment Ha‘ata‘ive‘a Bay northeast Nuku Hiva. formation slope, consisted blue-grey flat types3 hogbacked types.4 lowest layer last (Suggs, 1961, 61). exposed dykes peninsula Hatiheu Allen (2013, 92) “significant volume rejects” trail leading area. Henua Ataha, central-western Terre Déserte region Hiva, dyke exposures, debris. Information limited mostly reporting (Allen McAlister, 2021; Allen, Anaho Ha‘atuatua Bay. reportedly unavailable (McAlister, 72, 75). Papeno‘o Tahiti scale 10). locales (Kahn, Figure 11). agriculture, large-scale Putoura prismatic dykes. reverse-triangular types, forms. (Orliac, presumably ceasing contact. Kahn (2013) 18 Mo‘orea, none exploitation. Four sources, derived Urufara, Amehiti, Arafeaitu Waterfall Vaipuhia, suitable production. Mo‘orea Amehiti River Tupauruuru significant yet Local knowledge Afareaitu district destroyed modern Rappaport 1967). layers GS-1 Cook's scholars referenced “well-known” Vaiopatapata Ra‘iātea designated II, Johnson, 1997; Kahn, possible Avera Iti S2 S5). iden

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عنوان ژورنال: Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1834-4453', '0728-4896', '2204-1907']